Yoga Classes


8.30 - 9.30am Beginners

10 - 11.30am Movement & Meditation


7.30 - 8.30am FLOW

 9 - 10.30am General


9 - 10.30am General

Studio Information

Classes are done in bare feet and it is best to wear comfortable stretchy clothing. 

Students are always encouraged to work within their own limits.

It is best not to eat in the hour before a yoga class, especially not heavy foods.

Feel free to text Kate to BOOK into class. Kate is happy to answer any questions.

Mob: 0432 598 582 

The studio is fully equipped with mats, chairs, blankets, belts and blocks.

 PLEASE stay home if you are feeling unwell with cough or cold.

Doors open 15mins before class. Classes start on time so if late please enter quietly.

Casual class attendance:

1½ hour class $25 or $20 concession

1hr class $20 or $18

ZOOM classes:

1.5hr $20, 1hr $15, $25 for downloadable copy

All classes by donation if times are tough

Class costs:


Pay when you attend class or bank transfer:

Cathryn Pell - BSB 032716 ACCT # 362636